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Infinity is a new company founded in the spring of 2008. Infinity's founder, President and CEO, A. David Walton has more than 20 years of combined business experience in the fields of telecommunications, media, the Internet, and investing.

Having started providing national long distance telecommunications services in the early 90's after the deregulation of AT&T, David Walton has more than 10 years of experience in the ultra competitive long distance telecommunications industry. Walton watched as long distance resellers entered the market and used network marketing as a viable means of successfully competing for customers against the giant telecommunications companies. Walton also has extensive experience developing Internet businesses after getting involved with Internet related services after the commercialization of the Internet in the late 90's. Walton believes that the Internet is the greatest tool every created to communicate and disseminate information to a large and geographically disperse sales force and intends fully utilize its power. Having also made millions of dollars as a successful investor in real estate, investing in commercial, residential, and vacation resort properties around the country, Walton's unique business experiences in the marketing and telecommunications industries combined with his fascination with the Internet, all forms of media, and wireless communications have lead to his vision of creating a different kind of wireless communications company.

Walton's vision is to provide the highest quality wireless communications services available in the industry and to allow entrepreneur minded individuals an opportunity to participate in this growing industry. Like many others, Walton sees that not only are wireless services growing and wireless communications becoming even more ubiquitous, but that personal electronic devices and the wireless voice and data services that power them are becoming an increasingly fundamental and inseparable part of our daily lives. Walton's vision is to help entrepreneurial minded individuals like himself share in the billions of dollars of wealth that will be created by the wireless revolution currently sweeping the globe?

The company's headquarters is located in Richmond, Virginia and through its relationships with national communications providers has created the best wireless communications network in the nation. The company provides a variety wireless communications related services including a nationwide digital voice network, messaging, and data services. The company is also exploring opportunities in digital phone services for residential and business customers provided by Voice over Internet Protocol technologies.

Infinity will partner with its network of independent representatives to provide the highest quality wireless communications services and personalized customer services to its customers nationally and internationally. The company will tap into the trillion dollar plus wireless communications industry and use the tremendous growth and opportunities in communications services to bring the highest quality and latest technology to its customers while helping create wealth for its independent representatives and communications partners.

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